Enjoy Tomatoes for Good Health
Summer has officially ended but produce is still coming out of summertime gardens. Tomatoes are the luscious 'fruits' of summer that we can still enjoy in the Fall. When you harvest these vegetables you gather a bounty of protective nutrients that may ward off certain chronic diseases. Nutrition research suggests that tomatoes are jam-packed with health-promoting vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients, including the carotenoid lycopene that may reduce our risk of developing certain health conditions.
The carotenoid lycopene in tomatoes may fight cancer cell development, specifically for these types of cancer:
- Esophagus
- Breast and prostate
- Colon and rectum
Lycopene may also lower the aggressiveness of cancer cells. Lycopene content is the highest in concentrated or cooked tomato products such as tomato paste and tomato sauce.
Studies from the University of Toronto have shown that regular intake of tomato juice, a good source of Vitamin C as well as lycopene, may help to lower harmful LDL-cholesterol levels. A lower LDL-cholesterol level keeps us away from cardiovascular disease.
One medium tomato contains 25 milligrams of vitamin C. Research shows that this antioxidant vitamin may neutralize harmful free radicals, lowering our risk for inflammation, certain cancers, and heart disease.
Although maintaining a healthy weight and daily exercise are the two most powerful lifestyle habits to reduce high blood pressure, studies also verify that a high intake of the mineral potassium may be protective. Potassium helps to regulate the fluid and mineral balance in and out of the body cells, keeping blood pressure under control. Although all fruits and vegetables supply some potassium, one fresh raw tomato contributes a whopping 135 milligrams of potassium.
Finally, the tomato pulp and peel provide dietary fiber, a substance that can lower blood cholesterol levels, reduce the risk of certain cancers, and help to maintain normal bowel function on a day-to-day basis. Two grams of fiber are found in one medium tomato. Fruits and vegetables will always provide many protective nutrients. Tomatoes and tomato
products happen to be an especially ready source of lycopene, vitamin C, potassium, and fiber.
By: Rita P. Smith, MS, RD, CDE, Martha Jefferson Hospital